
1nspire Pre-Order


69 White


Clasio Lockscreen

Simple Lockscreen under 2MB!
Features: Time, Day, Date, Month, Year, Temp, and weather Icon

Weather setup: Go to Library/Theme/ClasioLS/js/Weather.js

var sCityCodes = "USFL0113"; //weather code. Find from look in url.

Replace "USFL0113" with your code.


EnVyReMix iWidgets

RSS iWidget

To change feed edit.
  cssfeed.addFeed("Google news", "") 
In the widget.html.


miTiles iPhone Lockscreen

Beta 1 instructions

Set weather: Go to Library/Themes/miTiles/Weather. 
You will see a config file, open it and enter your details.

Photos: Set Automatically from Camera Roll. Tutorial on deleting camera roll.

More Money in Slots: Go to Library/Themes/miTiles/Slots/js/slot.js
look for credits. Change 15 to desired number.

Change Background Color: Hit the settings gears on the lockscreen. Tap to select a different color on the color wheel. Press Close. (further betas this will be saved even after respring).

RSS: Go to Library/Themes/miTiles/Rss/config.js
Enter your desired rss.

Time of the day text: Go to Library/Themes/LockBackground.html.
Locate time of day text. Edit as desired.

Quote of the day rss: Library/Themes/miTiles/Quote/config.js
Enter an rss feed of quotes.


iFold iPhone Lockscreen *Widget

iFold Lockscreen


5 Day forecast, city, and temp

Touch lockscreen for the wallpaper to fold over.
Touch again for it to go to its normal position.

You can watch a video here.


To set your weather location. Go to Library/Themes/iFold/JS/weather.js

inside this js you will want to replace 38671 with your weather code.


1OS Zeppelin *UI

Credits to bAdKid22

1OS Zeppelin

Requires Tweak Zeppelin from Cydia.
- found in the ModMyi repo:)

Zeppelin is a MobileSubstrate tweak to get easy Carrier Logo switching to iOS.

Running iOS 4.0 +/iOS 5.0 +